Originally uploaded by Porpoise.
Just trying to keep it together while watching the pennant race. This all could be the start of something beautiful for the city of Cleveland. Indians in the playoffs (hopefully), the Cavs will most likely be much better with all their new additions and if the Browns could somehow improve, you never know. Lot's of good tv this week. Arrested Dev has not lost a beat, Kitchen Confidential was decent. I'm totally addicted to Prison Break. I just finished watching all the OZ episodes that exist on DVD, so I needed a new prison drama to occupy my time, although Prison Break just isn't as edgy as OZ, what with the lack of constant male nudity and gratuitous swearing and gorey killings, ah, the limitations of network tv. Tuesday brought on Earl, the Office and House. Sadly, I have not followed Lost. I missed the first episode last year and decided to not watch, not knowing how good the show was going to be. My co-worker bought the first season, so I'm trying to get it from her so I can catch up, while simultaneously taping this season, not sure I can pull that off. I have not bought new music in a long time, so last night I picked up this and this. Loving the new C & C, DCFC will have to grow on me, but I can tell it's really good. We got weddings the next two weekends. The first one here in SD and then we are flying to Virginia Beach next weekend. Not too excited to fly after yesterday’s crazy landing in Burbank. Gotta run. War the Tribe, Stros, and BGSU not getting embarrassed on ESPN anymore.
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