More Than A Porpoise, More Than A Man, A Manimal

I want a Porpoise who will laugh for no one else

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Hey Mike, happy birthday. I hope you show went great tonight.


  • At 1:39 AM, Blogger Michael said…

    Hey Matt,

    The show was awesome. There were over 200 people there, and we sold a ton of cds, and even a pseudobook shirt or two! Also, originally my solo stuff was added onto the bill and I was to play for free, but with over 1500 bucks coming through the door, they decided to pay me!

    Life is so great because money is the best thing ever.

    Ok, but seriously, I had a blast, and it was the funnest show I've ever played, I think, because of my solo stuff and because of The Press Gang. I just found out how to move and get soooo into it and it was awesome.

    You need to see us live sometime.

  • At 10:15 AM, Blogger Matt said…

    That sounds cool Mike. Glad you got paid! I wish I could have been there. When you get bigger and get to tour the country, make sure you hit SoCal and I'll definitely see you play. Try to get a show August 27 (a Sunday) because we'll be in BG that night. Congrats.


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