More Than A Porpoise, More Than A Man, A Manimal

I want a Porpoise who will laugh for no one else

Monday, January 06, 2003

I still have not recovered from the Browns losing, and I will not. I think I will give up on Cleveland teams. Anyway, here is my 2002 year in review:
This year will be known as the year that I moved to California, finally. This year is marked by that event and it overshadows all other events. Despite this fact, I will still try to remember everything else. After graduating from Grad School in December, I took part-time teaching positions at BGSU and Owens Community College. I taught freshman composition at both schools. I also tutored college freshman for Barb Toth and Academic Enhancement. At this time, early January, I was desperately seeking employment in San Diego. As most of you know, it has been Tracey and I’s dream for some time now. And since I now had a master’s degree, I was ready to leave Ohio behind forever. Unfortunately, the economy sucked, especially because of 9/11 and I could not find a job for the life of me, so that’s mainly why I took the teaching jobs in BG and Toledo. Even though I was not in Cali, I really liked teaching and it was cool to do for a while.

Life went on as it usually does in BG. I’d teach 1 or 2 classes a day, watch tv and go see Jay at Cosmos. I continued to look for a job in SD, sending out several resumes a week. I sent out over 120 resumes in 9 months and did not get one job offer, but God had a different plan, so it turned out all good in the end, which I will explain later. One of the sad parts of the first quarter of 2002 was six girls from BGSU died in a car accident during spring break. I had had 3 of the girls the year before as students in my English class. They were all great students and good people. I often think of them and I am sad.

Another fun part of the first half of the year was that I played intramural b-ball with some grad school friends. We had to play with a woman’s ball because it was a coed team so I was not as good as I should have been. This time of b-ballin was when I became friends with Dustin Parsons. He was a fellow teacher in BGSU. I had said what’s up to him many times in East Hall, but never really talked with him. He is a cool dude and I wish we had started hanging out sooner. I finished the semester of teaching and summer showed up.

I had a few more classes I taught this summer for Owens. I also did some freelance tech writing for Janet Womack and NISDM at BGSU. I still was looking for a job, but we got good news mid summer when Tracey applied for and received a speech therapist job in SD. Finally, it seemed that our dreams would come true. I still had doubt. I always felt like something was going to happen to prevent us from moving. We began to make our moving preparations. Brad Wulf put a softball team together for the summer. I mostly pitched, but our team sucked. It was fun getting excited every week to play, but not fun to go out and lose every week.

Mary got married this summer, and that was cool. It was an honor to be in her wedding and I was glad that the day turned out so nice for her and Casey. We also took a fun trip to Niagara Falls with my family before we moved. We went didn’t go to a nice mall there. Tracey and I also went to Hilton Head with her family. That was also nice to be on the beach for a week before moving to SD. Finally, August 10 came and we set out on our trek to San Diego, the best, most perfect city in the world. We had a fun trip out West. When we got to our new apartment in Ocean Beach, it was less than satisfactory. We ended up getting a better place. Also, within five days of moving to SD, I had a job interview and got a job doing technical writing for Scantron, Inc. It has been a dream come true out West. I love everything about it. My job is cool, the weather is great and we are not bored out of our minds. Tracey and I have done some hiking and hung out on the beach of course. Our new lives in SD have just begun. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. 2002 has been the year that my dream of living in California has come true. I know there are many other details missing, but my mind is not so good anymore, so I can’t remember everything. Mainly, moving out to SD is the highlight of my year.

Here are my top ten movies of 2002:
Punch Drunk Love
Royal Tenenbaums
Count of Monte Cristo
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
Ghost World
Red Dragon
Waking Life
Gangs of New York

Here are the top albums I listened to in 2002:
Get Up Kids-Bird on a Wire
Andrew WK-I Get Wet
Midtown-Living Well is the Best Revenge
Ben Folds Live
Pedro the Lion-Control
Koufax-Social Life
J Mascis-Free So Free
Rocket From the Crypt-Live From Camp X-ray
Travoltas-Endless Summer
Convoy-Black Licorice
The Anniversary-Your Majesty


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