More Than A Porpoise, More Than A Man, A Manimal

I want a Porpoise who will laugh for no one else

Monday, October 13, 2003

Music extravaganza this weekend. I splurged on some stuff. I’m in one of those moments in life where you have a bunch of new music you’re really into and it’s rocking my world. First off, I ordered the new Huntington’s cd (along with this other punk band Darlington, which I had wanted for a long time) and they showed up this weekend, and they both rock. Using my gift certificate to Best Buy from Jeb, I picked up the new Fountains of Wayne cd, which is also really good. I also got the Mars Volta disc, which is crazy good and proggy and a journey, very strong stuff. I purchased the Lost in Translation soundtrack, mainly for the 4 new songs from Keven Shields, the singer from My Bloody Valentine (a big influence to Starflyer 59, for those ignorant of that fact) and the soundtrack as a whole is very solid, if not moody. What else, Postal Service is still rocking me. I got a burned disc from my Dad in the mail, which was cool, but have not checked the music out yet, since I have so much at the moment, but was impressed to see Mogwai written on the disc. I listened the that new Death Cab album at Tower yesterday and wanted to buy it, but since I had spent so much already in the past few days, I held back, but it was definitely good and hopefully can get it from Justin over thanksgiving (can you burn that Herb Albert that I forgot to get when I was back?) And J, will gladly look over your script, I’m into it.

Tracey’s blog has more details of our weekend, but in brief, we took our friend out (the one I worked with who got layed off last week) to an Oktoberfest thing in OB and it was great fun and laughs. Got to see the Browns win and watched that bizarre Red Sox/Yankees game on Saturday, crazy stuff. Talked with Jeb last night to see how the honeymoon was, he told me a few funny stories of some of the gifts he received, good stuff. We rented Hollywood Homicide last night (man, Master P is such a great actor), cause we wanted to be mindless and relax, we succeeded in the mindless part, thanks to the movie. I don’t know why, but the Marlins really annoy me, they just do. Well, partly cause they beat the Indians in the world series and then disbanded the whole team the next year, to me, they don’t deserve to even have a franchise. Cubs, Yankees, Red Sox fans show up all year, every year, no matter what. The fact that they are packing out their stadium now is pathetic, they’re like Brave’s fans, losers. Have a good Monday and hopefully a baseball game will break out at tonight’s boxing match.


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