More Than A Porpoise, More Than A Man, A Manimal

I want a Porpoise who will laugh for no one else

Monday, June 09, 2003

It was funny to get to work today and check all the blogs and no one updated except mom. Justin’s finally showed up half way through the day, but it was a first. A pretty gloomy weekend. We did not see the sun at all. I know we can’t complain out here, but the sun is like a drug, you are hooked on it, and you can never miss a day, or you start to get the shakes. Friday night we just rented About Smidth (which was pretty good, but kinda slow) and Jackass the movie (which was what it is). Saturday we laid around then met up with some friends, had a BBQ and went to the Padres game. They are horrible, but we got free retro hats. Sunday was more laying around and watching the worse NBA game ever. Neither of these teams deserves to be here, they suck. I caught Sealab last night, funny as always. Tomorrow night I finally get to see Alkaline Trio live, and I’m gonna load up on merch. I need a new jacket since Tracey gave mine away to that homeless guy. We have a light week going on. Just getting prepared for Ryan and Michele, which we are really excited about. Not much else to report. I didn’t get to surf cause it was blown out and rainy all weekend. Hey Mary, how are you enjoying being done? I’m sure your loving it. Let us know if you get down to SD.


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