More Than A Porpoise, More Than A Man, A Manimal

I want a Porpoise who will laugh for no one else

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Today I began teaching myself RoboHelp for a new work project. Because of my company’s shortstaffness, I have to tackle this project alone, instead of having someone who’s experienced do it. But I don’t mind. It’s always good to get a new skill set for marketability. In the coming months I may also get to get back into doing Flash design, which would be even more exciting. I really like web design and being creative in that way. And it’s also nice to be working on something new at work. It will rejuvenate my work ethic a bit and keep me going for awhile. I have a great job and the stability it offers is great for us. I work with some really fun people which really helps. But I’ve begun to feel myself longing for something more creative, but I’m not sure what that may be. Since my senior year of college I have been interested in computer animation. I did some research recently though and found that the field is very flooded right now and that it is not a good time to be a computer animator. Plus I would want to work for someone like Industrial Light and Magic or Pixar, and that would mean living in LA, which is a no no for us. I just have a bug to do something new. It seems every couple of years I need to change careers in some fashion or another. Other times I’ve been forced to do that (like painting or doing sales, yuk). Justin, that’s why I asked you last week what your vision for your future is. I know we’ve talked about your production company, and I’d love nothing more than to be part of a creative process like that. I’ve always been jealous of you and Mike the outlets you’ve guys have had with music and movies. Man, I wish we even had Tracey’s guitar out here so I could do something, even though I suck at guitar, and even worse at singing (Believe me everyone, I will not be a third member of our family singing in a band). I just feel God moving me towards something else again. But I think I have to be patient on this one, cause I can’t put my finger on what it’s gonna be. Maybe I’ll start writing short stories. I need to get my idea for a Church Mafia story on paper (an idea Jeb and I came up with while painting, maybe it was the paint fumes). The other day I realized that I’d love to be an actor, not because of having lots of money or fame, but because it’d be fun and challenging and creative. And like anybody else, I’d love to be a rock start, but I don’t think I’d like to do that anymore. The struggles you’d have to go through, and touring, being away from family and friends, at this point in my life it would not be worth the sacrifice, but what am I saying, like I have a chance at that anyway, it’s not my destiny. Not sure where all this is coming from, but it’s been brewing for a bit, we shall see what happens.

Tonight I will head down to Mission Beach, catch a few games o Galaga at this taco shop next to the roller coaster then go to Canes Bar and Grill and finally see Alkaline Trio. Hey Mary, that band, The Start that I told you about is opening up for them. Glad to hear of the softball victory. I was trying to get a team together for my office, but it’s too late for the summer league, maybe for the fall. Hey Em, thanks in advance for my Lebowski shirt. Tell Kevin I’m gonna try to call him at work on Friday.

Did I ever mention that I hate gossip? Yeah, I do.

"Today is the last chance you'll have before tomorrow to experience a
day before tomorrow." - J. Edwards-borrowed from an email from JH


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