Off to Cinci for the weekend. Catch ya all on Monday. Go Giants. And thank God they got the sniper.
Thursday, October 24, 2002
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Boys, 14 runs in the last inning, that stinks. Softball can be so demoralizing. I went to Tower Records last night to get the new Koufax. They had to dig it out of the back room, yet there were like 50 copies of the new Donna’s CD (who are ok, don’t get me wrong) laying around. It just sucks that people don’t know good music. Koufax is as good as I have been saying. I also picked up a Huntingtons CD that is a compilation of all their old, out of print music that was on Burnt Toast Vinyl. Then I bought a bunch of magazines for my trip to Cinci this weekend, and before you know it, I had spent $50. Tower Records is a dangerous place for the budget.
I talked to A Stevens last night on the phone. That dude is classic. I’m sorry I did not get to hang out with him more when we were in BG. I really like that kid.
I am just thinking that this journal is getting boring. I usually end up filling this thing up with inside jokes and personal messages to individuals. Several friends who are on the outside of most of this insideness have emailed me with similar things to say, usually sounding something like this, “I like you website, but I don’t understand most of it” or “You say some weird stuff”. Well, I’m not sure what to do about this. Maybe I could get more political or religiously opinionated about things, maybe stir the pot a bit? I was trying to avoid that slant, but maybe I’ll mix in a few rants here and there, for entertainment at the least.
Ok, political/religious rant time: I cannot stand entertainers like Barbara Streisan or Sean Penn giving speeches about their political opinions in the media. Streisan recently called Bush a dictator at a Democratic fund raising meeting or something. I know I’m leaving some facts out, but I don’t care, she needs to shut her mouth because she has no authority or place to bother me with that crap. Go back to making your Yentil crap movies and annoying the people you are close to. If you, the reader, happen to really like Babs as an entertainer, that’s cool, but tell her to shut up and stay out of that realm. We have enough political “experts” all over tv and newspapers, we don’t need her. And we also don’t need Sean Penn taking adds out in papers putting his opinions out there either, but I won’t go off as much on him because he was a funny retard in his recent movie, and that’s what I think of him when he gets political. Do we want our movie and rock stars doing this? Maybe for real stuff, like fighting Aids or Cancer, but I don’t want them telling me why they hate Bush or Republicans or anything of the sort. I don’t even take a hardline stance politically, so I’m not being an angered Conservative, I just don’t like these famous people pulling this crap. You’ve got enough money and time, spend it saving lives, not telling me why you don’t like something. So, how was that for a rant?
Mike-I read everyone’s blog everyday, sorry I haven’t commented on yours yet. I like your assignments for people to do crazy things in public.
Dad-checks in the mail
Jenkins-hustle on the MP3 server
Jay-1 ½ wks
I talked to A Stevens last night on the phone. That dude is classic. I’m sorry I did not get to hang out with him more when we were in BG. I really like that kid.
I am just thinking that this journal is getting boring. I usually end up filling this thing up with inside jokes and personal messages to individuals. Several friends who are on the outside of most of this insideness have emailed me with similar things to say, usually sounding something like this, “I like you website, but I don’t understand most of it” or “You say some weird stuff”. Well, I’m not sure what to do about this. Maybe I could get more political or religiously opinionated about things, maybe stir the pot a bit? I was trying to avoid that slant, but maybe I’ll mix in a few rants here and there, for entertainment at the least.
Ok, political/religious rant time: I cannot stand entertainers like Barbara Streisan or Sean Penn giving speeches about their political opinions in the media. Streisan recently called Bush a dictator at a Democratic fund raising meeting or something. I know I’m leaving some facts out, but I don’t care, she needs to shut her mouth because she has no authority or place to bother me with that crap. Go back to making your Yentil crap movies and annoying the people you are close to. If you, the reader, happen to really like Babs as an entertainer, that’s cool, but tell her to shut up and stay out of that realm. We have enough political “experts” all over tv and newspapers, we don’t need her. And we also don’t need Sean Penn taking adds out in papers putting his opinions out there either, but I won’t go off as much on him because he was a funny retard in his recent movie, and that’s what I think of him when he gets political. Do we want our movie and rock stars doing this? Maybe for real stuff, like fighting Aids or Cancer, but I don’t want them telling me why they hate Bush or Republicans or anything of the sort. I don’t even take a hardline stance politically, so I’m not being an angered Conservative, I just don’t like these famous people pulling this crap. You’ve got enough money and time, spend it saving lives, not telling me why you don’t like something. So, how was that for a rant?
Mike-I read everyone’s blog everyday, sorry I haven’t commented on yours yet. I like your assignments for people to do crazy things in public.
Dad-checks in the mail
Jenkins-hustle on the MP3 server
Jay-1 ½ wks
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
I forgot to mention the best part about my past weekend, I got to see the infamous El Branco. That guy is pretty epic for the precious few who have had the chance to meet him. Anyway, tonight is another World Series game, and I'm gonna pick up the new Koufax CD, and maybe the new Rocket From the Crypt, depending on how I'm feeling. You can preview 5 of the new Koufax songs at and the whole cd at if you do a search for their CD. I'm very excited to get it, Mary, you should get it as well, you will like it.
I want to send homeruns and no errors out to the BG crew who are playing softball tonight, and Dad, don't over do it. Out.
I want to send homeruns and no errors out to the BG crew who are playing softball tonight, and Dad, don't over do it. Out.
Monday, October 21, 2002
Plenty has happened over the past 3 days. Lets start with last Thursday night. Tracey and I went to see a movie called Igby Goes Down. It was ok, and pretty depressing. The highlights were Jeff Goldblum doing what he does, being really cool and Ryan Philleppe doing a really good job at being an 18 yr old snob. I would maybe rent it some day if I was you, but don’t pay $8.75 x 2 like I did. Then Friday rolled around and Friday night Tracey and I went to this fun Mexican place downtown SD. Probably the best taco I have ever eaten, plus it was happy hour, so cheaper drinks. We went shopping a bit and were going to go see Welcome to Collingwood, but we decided to just go home and watch Law and Order.
I slept like 13 hours and woke up at noon on Saturday. I had a message from donkey boy saying he wanted to play some basketball in La Jolla with another (older) friend of his John. So I went up and played some good 3 on 3 ball. This guy John, who is like 46, invited Tracey and I to his house Saturday night for a cook out. I met this John guy last year when I was out in SD through donkey boy. This John guy is really cool. He went grew up in SoCal during the big hippie movements of the 60s and 70s and had lots of cool stories. He got saved through this guy named Lonny who helped start the Calvary Chapel denomination and he did 9 years of missions with this dude. We had a great time that night eating and fellowshipping. And the Giants won and Barry got a home run, so that was cool as well. And, more props out to BGSU football, these dudes are ballin big time. Again, I will mention how it sucks they do this after I move.
Yesterday was a good day as well. I got up early to watch the Browns, but they were no on till 1pm (4pm your time, east coase peeps). So I got a bunch of stuff done around the apt and then met up with donkey boy and my other friend Sam at a sports bar to watch the game. However, the Browns were not the main attraction, cause the Raiders/Chargers game was no at the same time and people were psycho. People painted up in Raiders colors and Chargers stuff, just yellin at each other the whole game, it was fun and loud. This sports bar, called Sports City has like 50 tvs all over place with every game, it rules. So the Browns won, the Chargers won and I went home to watch the world series. What a game. I hope the series goes 7 games with Barry hitting a home run to win the whole thing. That’s about it for now. Heading the Cinci this coming weekend. Late
Joel-did you forget how to check your voice mails on your cell phone? Or did you lose your phone again?
Justin-I make about %$#%& a week so that’s around #$%^ a year.
Jeb-your blog is funny, that is cool that my Dad said that to you about your blog
Dad-Jeb gave you props on his blog
Jay-only 2 more weeks
Sniper guy-I thought I told you to turn the gun on yourself
I slept like 13 hours and woke up at noon on Saturday. I had a message from donkey boy saying he wanted to play some basketball in La Jolla with another (older) friend of his John. So I went up and played some good 3 on 3 ball. This guy John, who is like 46, invited Tracey and I to his house Saturday night for a cook out. I met this John guy last year when I was out in SD through donkey boy. This John guy is really cool. He went grew up in SoCal during the big hippie movements of the 60s and 70s and had lots of cool stories. He got saved through this guy named Lonny who helped start the Calvary Chapel denomination and he did 9 years of missions with this dude. We had a great time that night eating and fellowshipping. And the Giants won and Barry got a home run, so that was cool as well. And, more props out to BGSU football, these dudes are ballin big time. Again, I will mention how it sucks they do this after I move.
Yesterday was a good day as well. I got up early to watch the Browns, but they were no on till 1pm (4pm your time, east coase peeps). So I got a bunch of stuff done around the apt and then met up with donkey boy and my other friend Sam at a sports bar to watch the game. However, the Browns were not the main attraction, cause the Raiders/Chargers game was no at the same time and people were psycho. People painted up in Raiders colors and Chargers stuff, just yellin at each other the whole game, it was fun and loud. This sports bar, called Sports City has like 50 tvs all over place with every game, it rules. So the Browns won, the Chargers won and I went home to watch the world series. What a game. I hope the series goes 7 games with Barry hitting a home run to win the whole thing. That’s about it for now. Heading the Cinci this coming weekend. Late
Joel-did you forget how to check your voice mails on your cell phone? Or did you lose your phone again?
Justin-I make about %$#%& a week so that’s around #$%^ a year.
Jeb-your blog is funny, that is cool that my Dad said that to you about your blog
Dad-Jeb gave you props on his blog
Jay-only 2 more weeks
Sniper guy-I thought I told you to turn the gun on yourself