The evil work monster struck me again on Thursday. I have to finish another rather large project before I fly back to Ohia. I thought I had until Jan 17 for this one, but nope, only Jan 3, but since I’m gonna be gone from Dec 23 till Jan 4, stuff gots ta be done before I leave. So here I am at work at 10:30 at night still working, ah, love the corporate life. Prolly have to work on the weekend too, sucks to be me. I will, I will survive.
Yesterday I got Tracey’s Christmas gift and have it to her. I bought her a new mountain bike. It is awesome, I wish I had a cool new bike also. Since I wasn’t going to bring a bike back to Ohia with me, I just surprised her and gave it to her early so that we could go biking this weekend, that is if I’m not working all weekend. Funny story with me getting the bike, I was skating to the bike store, which was like 8 blocks from my office downtown SD, and I was just cruising along and I hit a rock and went flying off my board and onto my hands and stomach. Yeah, and in front of like 5 people. I got up and knew they were trying not to laugh. One guy asked me if I was ok, I said yeah. No major hurts, mostly pride. But I laughed thinking about one of the people who say me fall going around the corner and then laughing, cause that’s what I would do.
For my family, what about doing a best albums of the year list in addition to the favorite movies of the year? Like top ten albums, favorite songs, or both or whatever? Just an idea I had.
Lars-thanks for calling, sorry I missed ya, and I don’t hate ya, just get sad and lonely and depressed when I don’t hear from ya. Funny thing on the poster, just give it to someone else, that’s cool. Even though we planned on hanging on New Years for like 2 months, it’s cool that you’re not going to be around. Will I see ya at all? Well, you better suck it up and get down to SD when you’re in San Fran. Anyway, are you even going to SF? You never told me officially and nobody has told me directly either, wus up?
Justin-Not only did the stros get a porn star, they also got a liar. And Biggio moving to the outfield? Wow, what a true sportsman, doing things for the good of the team. Kent is cancer in the clubhouse, guess we will see. You might have to plan a long weekend out here when the stros are in SD.
“He who stands firm (or STRONG as Phil would say) to the end will be saved” Matt 10:22
Yesterday I got Tracey’s Christmas gift and have it to her. I bought her a new mountain bike. It is awesome, I wish I had a cool new bike also. Since I wasn’t going to bring a bike back to Ohia with me, I just surprised her and gave it to her early so that we could go biking this weekend, that is if I’m not working all weekend. Funny story with me getting the bike, I was skating to the bike store, which was like 8 blocks from my office downtown SD, and I was just cruising along and I hit a rock and went flying off my board and onto my hands and stomach. Yeah, and in front of like 5 people. I got up and knew they were trying not to laugh. One guy asked me if I was ok, I said yeah. No major hurts, mostly pride. But I laughed thinking about one of the people who say me fall going around the corner and then laughing, cause that’s what I would do.
For my family, what about doing a best albums of the year list in addition to the favorite movies of the year? Like top ten albums, favorite songs, or both or whatever? Just an idea I had.
Lars-thanks for calling, sorry I missed ya, and I don’t hate ya, just get sad and lonely and depressed when I don’t hear from ya. Funny thing on the poster, just give it to someone else, that’s cool. Even though we planned on hanging on New Years for like 2 months, it’s cool that you’re not going to be around. Will I see ya at all? Well, you better suck it up and get down to SD when you’re in San Fran. Anyway, are you even going to SF? You never told me officially and nobody has told me directly either, wus up?
Justin-Not only did the stros get a porn star, they also got a liar. And Biggio moving to the outfield? Wow, what a true sportsman, doing things for the good of the team. Kent is cancer in the clubhouse, guess we will see. You might have to plan a long weekend out here when the stros are in SD.
“He who stands firm (or STRONG as Phil would say) to the end will be saved” Matt 10:22