Well, it's been a strange few days here in SD. As you may already know, fires have broken out all over SD county, although not near our condo, thank God. Although we feel lucky, it's sad to see other's homes destroyed, and even some lives lost. We have been basically shut in our condo because air quality is very bad, and it makes me sneeze anyway. I did not have to go to work today (Monday), and neither did Tracey. Tracey is also off on Tuesday. Mary and Casey had to leave early Sunday because of this fire crap, but they made it home safe, so that's good. We fly out Thursday for Tracey's brother's wedding, but flight status in SD is debatable right now, so hopefully nothing is delayed. We have received phone calls from tons of people (mostly our family), and that has been cool and heartwarming. Even Larson called me last night, glad to know he's still alive. I have posted 5 new pictures on our photo page of how things look right now in SD, check them out HERE.
That's all for now. Glad the Yankees lost. We had a good weekend despite the fire stuff. And Justin, you must have missed my post on seeing Kill Bill a few weeks ago, you'll have to search back for my response. Thanks for all the calls and prayers. Talk to you soon everyone.
That's all for now. Glad the Yankees lost. We had a good weekend despite the fire stuff. And Justin, you must have missed my post on seeing Kill Bill a few weeks ago, you'll have to search back for my response. Thanks for all the calls and prayers. Talk to you soon everyone.