Excitedly I have reached today. Many months planning and anticipating our mini vacation this weekend. I also finally got some sleep last night. I ended up working a couple 11 hour days this week and have been working on 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night. I worked the extra hours so I could leave early today. I’m working until 11:30am today, then playing basketball at work, then it’s off to Ole Mexico. This weekend marks the beginning of non-stop events basically until September. Next weekend Mary is here for a week. The week after that Tracey leaves for Ohio and a few days after that I leave for Lar’s wedding. I guess I have a few idle weeks in the beginning of July, although I am seeing Rush July 7. We have several “offers” of different people wanting to visit towards the middle/end of July, we’ll see who actually buys a ticket. In August we’ve got some family visits on Tracey’s side, which will be super fun. And in between all that is beach, anytime I want. Thank God.
As for work, there is some negotiating going on to extend my contract. My manager, Judith, if fighting like crazy to keep me here, which is really cool of her. I like working with her, we have a good flow together and are very similar in how we approach tech writing. The fact that there is even discussions with the upper management is a positive sign, but we’ll just have to wait. There is another meeting today to discuss options, it all comes down to the CEO though. My knee is really hurting and I really shouldn’t play basketball, but if next week turns out to be my last week here at Illumina (which it will be if they don’t extend my contract), then when will I get another chance to play basketball at work, up in the hills of San Diego with a slight ocean view? No ocean view today though, it’s complete overcast, May Gray as they call it here.
That’s curios about Pedros’s new cd Justin. He’s in SD next Saturday, maybe we’ll hit that. I laughed at some of your shorts ideas. I looked at a job in Austin just for fun the other day. I don’t know, for me to move from SD, I think it’s going to take a physical appearance by Jesus himself. Never say never I guess. We felt the same way about Love Actually. Ok, I command everyone to have a great Memorial Day weekend, wherever you are. Adios and Vios Con Dios!
As for work, there is some negotiating going on to extend my contract. My manager, Judith, if fighting like crazy to keep me here, which is really cool of her. I like working with her, we have a good flow together and are very similar in how we approach tech writing. The fact that there is even discussions with the upper management is a positive sign, but we’ll just have to wait. There is another meeting today to discuss options, it all comes down to the CEO though. My knee is really hurting and I really shouldn’t play basketball, but if next week turns out to be my last week here at Illumina (which it will be if they don’t extend my contract), then when will I get another chance to play basketball at work, up in the hills of San Diego with a slight ocean view? No ocean view today though, it’s complete overcast, May Gray as they call it here.
That’s curios about Pedros’s new cd Justin. He’s in SD next Saturday, maybe we’ll hit that. I laughed at some of your shorts ideas. I looked at a job in Austin just for fun the other day. I don’t know, for me to move from SD, I think it’s going to take a physical appearance by Jesus himself. Never say never I guess. We felt the same way about Love Actually. Ok, I command everyone to have a great Memorial Day weekend, wherever you are. Adios and Vios Con Dios!