More Than A Porpoise, More Than A Man, A Manimal

I want a Porpoise who will laugh for no one else

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I know it’s crazy, but I got another job. Starting August 16, I will be working at this place: in Vista, CA. It’s about as far a commute as I’m doing now, but it’s a full-time, employee position at a really cool little company. Today has been a wreck of a day though because I had to tell my current boss I was leaving, and also tell the temp agency that I went through to get this job at Wells Fargo, and it was just awkward. I’ve never really had to quite a place like this, giving notice and all that, and I’m just messed up about it. I’m very excited about the new opportunity, but feeling bad about leaving things so quickly with Wells. As I’ve mentioned, my current boss is pretty cool, ah, I’m still just a little shaky, physically. On top of it, I just learned that one of our good friends out here, Des, is moving back to NYC to teach HS. Emo day, glad Mary/Case are coming in tomorrow. We will have some good quick time, then Tracey’s parents are here on Saturday for a week. I’ll write more later, gotta get back to my current job.