More Than A Porpoise, More Than A Man, A Manimal

I want a Porpoise who will laugh for no one else

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

It’s harder to keep my blog updated now that I don’t have a job. I used to update at work because I was bored and it provided a way to pass time, but now I have all kinds of other things I can do with myself (like look for a new job). Today was a stellar day. Woke up early at 9am. It was a gloriously perfect day, 75 degrees, sunny. Right after I woke up, I heard the cell phone ringing, it was AStevens. We got caught up on things and it was a good chat, miss that guy. Then at 10am, my friend Marni came over (who was also recently laid off by Scantron) and we went surfing at Dog Beach in OB. I hadn’t been surfing in forever and it felt great to get destroyed by mother nature, again. There has been a big swell in SoCal the last few days, some waves hitting 7ft, so we didn’t venture too far out, lest we get killed, but it was great fun. After that I relaxed and have been chillin all night. I was disappointed a bit though cause I missed seeing Bron Bron play the Clippers on the local Fox Sports station, but caught the highlights. As for my psyche, I’m doing great and don’t feel any stress so far about my situation. I’m at peace with things and just going to trust God.

As for this past weekend, it was a great time of celebrating Tracey’s birthday. Friday we went to see Hot Rod Circuit and Brand New. Missed most of Hot Rod, which sucked cause they rock good, but Brand New was a little disappointing. Saturday I took Tracey up to Encinitas where we got a hotel room. We got some dinner in Del Mar at Jake’s, right on the beach. Sunday morning we got Starbucks and went to the beach in Encinitas and watched the surfers and relaxed. Later on we saw Love Actually, which was mostly funny and then met some friends in Little Italy for dinner and had a good time.

Next week my whole family comes to SD for Thanksgiving. Since I don’t have a job, I have more time to spend with them, so that’s good. Tomorrow I’m going to fix the crack in our hot tub, so that should be in working order for the family visit. Justin, yer exact on that Donny Darko review. At the Brand New concert Tracey reported a new breed of annoying concert goer, the Kelly Osborn look alike. You know the type, young girl, wearing clothes that are too tight for her body type and showing too much back fat. Well, there was another annoying breed there as well. It was annoying teenager with a camera phone, holding up phone every 2 minutes to get new picture to send to friend not at concert and talking to them while show is in progress about show. Get off your phone or go outside. You can’t hear anyway, loser.

Moving on, there is an arrest warrant out for Michael Jackson, this should be funny, it really shouldn’t be funny, but it is. Today I was really getting into Pinback, I recommend them, as well as the new Mars Volta. Although I don’t think anyone will beat Oklahoma this year, I still want OSU to win Saturday and to go and take their chances in the national championship game. I’m gonna have to get up early to see that game though. Well, it might be awhile till I update again, so don’t be disappointed, there just isn’t much going on right now. I basically look for jobs a few hours a day, then just clean the condo, or work out, or surf or play bball and watch tv, that’s it for now. Go Buckeyes!
It’s harder to keep my blog updated now that I don’t have a job. I updated at work because I was bored and it provided a way to pass time, but now I have all kinds of other things I can do with myself (like look for a new job). Today was a stellar day. Woke up early at 9am. It was a gloriously perfect day, 75 degrees, sunny. Right after I woke up, I heard the cell phone ringing, it was AStevens. We got caught up on things and it was a good chat, miss that guy. Then at 10am, my friend Marni came over (who was also recently laid off by Scantron) and we went surfing at Dog Beach in OB. I hadn’t been surfing in forever and it felt great to get destroyed by mother nature, again. There has been a big swell in SoCal the last few days, some waves hitting 7ft, so we didn’t venture too far out, lest we get killed, but it was great fun. After that I relaxed and have been chillin all night. I was disappointed a bit though cause I missed seeing Bron Bron play the Clippers on the local Fox Sports station, but caught the highlights. As for my psyche, I’m doing great and don’t feel any stress so far about my situation. I’m at peace with things and just going to trust God.

As for this past weekend, it was a great time of celebrating Tracey’s birthday. Friday we went to see Hot Rod Circuit and Brand New. Missed most of Hot Rod, which sucked cause they rock good, but Brand New as a little disappointing. Saturday I took Tracey up to Encinitas where we got a hotel room. We got some dinner in Del Mar at Jake’s, right on the beach. Sunday morning we got Starbucks and went to the beach in Encinitas and watched the surfers and relaxed. Later on we saw Love Actually, which was mostly funny and then met some friends in Little Italy for dinner and had a good time.

Next week my whole family comes to SD for Thanksgiving. Since I don’t have a job, I have more time to spend with them, so that’s good. Tomorrow I’m going to fix the crack in our hot tub, so that should be in working order for the family visit. Justin, yer exact on that Donny Darko review. At the Brand New concert Tracey reported a new breed of annoying concert goer, the Kelly Osborn look alike. You know the type, young girl, wearing clothes that are too tight for her body type and showing too much back fat. Well, there was another annoying breed there as well. It was annoying teenager with a camera phone, holding up phone every 2 minutes to get new picture to send to friend not at concert and talking to them while show is in progress about show person. Get off your phone or go outside. You can’t hear anyway, loser.

Moving on, there is an arrest warrant out for Michael Jackson, this should be funny, it really shouldn’t be funny, but it is. Today I was really getting into Pinback, I recommend them, as well as the new Mars Volta. Although I don’t think anyone will beat Oklahoma this year, I still want OSU to win Saturday and to go and take their chances in the national championship game. I’m gonna have to get up early to see that game though. Well, it might be awhile till I update again, so don’t be disappointed, there just isn’t much going on right now. I basically look for jobs a few hours a day, then just clean the condo, or work out, or surf or play bball and watch tv, that’s it for now. Go Buckeyes!