More Than A Porpoise, More Than A Man, A Manimal

I want a Porpoise who will laugh for no one else

Friday, December 06, 2002

I feel really good today. I am in a great mood. I am happy and content with life. Tracey and I were talking last night about how good it feels to be living our dreams of living in SD. It is always good to achieve something you have been striving for for so long. I believe in God’s timing, but sometimes I think I could have been out here sooner, but alas, I will remain content to just be here. Sometimes I think besides having children, what else is there to accomplish? But I know better. God has so much more for us out here. One of the hard parts of moving is not knowing anybody, although we do know a few peeps, like Donkey boy and El Branco, but we have no close friends. But there have actually been a few cool people I work with that I have hung out with some. So hopefully things begin to improve in that area. And anybody from BG can move here also, to fill that void in our lives, or any of our siblings. But today I went to lunch with this guy John that I work with. He is 34 and has a wife and little daughter. We kinda figured out we were both Christians and decided to go to lunch and talk more. We had a great chat today, giving each other our backgrounds and encouraging ourselves in some things, so I’m happy about that. And next week we are going out with a married couple (I work with the chick) that is in a similar situation in life in terms of faith and also just moving here this summer. So that is cool as well.

Last night Tracey and I went to Jesus Christ Superstar and it was just OK. Nothing special, and not as good as Le Mis. Sebastian Bach screamed too much in his metal voice, and we had horrible seats. But it was fun to do something different. Tonight we are going to Fred’s Mexican Grill downtown SD, then off to LA tomorrow for me. I think Tracey is going to go hiking, but only at safe, Torrey Pines, where she can hike by herself.

Justin, I saw a print ad for that Christian Bale movie, so that is really cool, when does it come out? And someone please get that last episode of Curb your Enthusiasm, I heard from someone I work with that its amazing.

How was your bball Lars? My ankle is still hurting from a few weeks ago, so hopefully I’m in good shape to ball when I come back. And Jeb has said he will join us for Christmas Eve, whatever it is you figure out. And give me Meaux’s number.

Jay, whether you get a chick or not by new years, I say go Dude anyway, what harm could it do? Well, a lot, I know, but life is short, so Dude hard.

Have a great weekend everybody.

Thursday, December 05, 2002

"Matt Sharp looked at his bank statement recently and wished he never quit Weezer"
It is freakin Thursday already? What the H is up with that? Tonight we’re gonna mess up Jesus Christ Superstar, which is a musical for all you out there who have no idea what I’m talking about. Tracey bugs me all the time to go see plays and musicals and stuff, so I finally got these tickets. I joked with Tracey that we are now even for all the sports that I make her watch, but she said no way. I don’t think I could ever make up all those hours. Did mention yet that Sebastian Bach, the former lead singer of 80’s metal band Skid Row is playing Jesus in the musical? I was kinda in to Skid Row back in the day, so this should be funny to see, although he has gotten pretty good reviews for his performance.

Larson, I’m jealous of you playin ball with Shorty and Bingham, that would be cool. I sent your birthday present yesterday to your house, so look for it sometime next week. And I know I am not keeping my end of the bargain up with writing deeper, more personal blogs, sorry. Keep the 2J alive.

I want to tell you about a dream I had the other night. In my dream I was sitting in my livingroom and I hear these weird noises outside my door. So I go look in the peep hole and Keith Konya is outside my door dancing real seductively. Someone tell me what this means? It freaked me out, no offense Keith.

I heard the east coast got hit with a big snow storm, suckers.

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

First off, happy birthday to Lars. I keep forgetting to send your present, but I will. I definitely had a great Thanksgiving. Vegas was good, and it was cool to do something different on Thanksgiving. I don’t feel like taking the time to go into all the details (for better details, check out my sister Mary’s blog @, but I will give you some highlights. Right when we got there, Casey had made a full thanksgiving meal. Mary blended up some white Russians and we had a nice meal and watched some football. I think New New York is my favorite casino. It has lots of fun stuff and ESPN zone. I also played some black jack at the Sahara. It was my first time playing for $$. I only lost 2 bucks overall, but I was only playing 1$ minimum. We went hiking at Red Rock Canyon, which was really cool. It did rain on Saturday though, that sucked. We got to watch a few Dirty Harry movies on TV, and that was fun. And we ate an amazing buffet dinner at Ballys Casino. Let me just say that I ate so much that it had to come out pretty soon after eating. Overall, the experience was great and I had a really good time with everyone. I hated coming back to work though. I like my job, but work sucks in general. Last night I was listening to Pinkerton on my way back home from work and I decided once again that I need to be a rock star. So I need to get a guitar and amp and start practicing. Crap, I guess that costs money. Well, maybe someday. I found out today that Koufax is playing at Frankies in Toledo on Dec 28, the day before I get to BG for Christmas, so that is disappointing. So lets run down the list so far: I will miss GnR in SD on Dec 28. Andrew WK in BG on Dec 14 and Koufax in Toledo Dec 28. I guess I will settle for seeing family and friends. On a better note, there will be a new Reggie and the Full Effect cd out in February. And I’m getting excited about all the good movies coming out by Christmas. This Saturday I am going up to LA (I know, so soon?) to visit my friend Rob that I went to grad school with at BGSU. He works for Honda as a technical writer and writes the manuals for Honda motorcycles. And speaking of motorcycles, we are going to go to a cycle show of some sort, should be interesting. I’m gonna stay overnight at Rob’s place in Redondo Beach and come back Sunday. Tonight my Tar Heels play, so root them on. Too bad the Jets blew it last night, I needed them to win so that the Chargers could be in first place by themselves. And Sam Windom emailed me the other day, it was good to hear from him. Happy birthday to Justus as well.

“I was just a stupid kid back then. I take back every word that I said” Alkaline Trio
“Sorry I'm late, I was out spoiling my liver” Alkaline Trio
“The heart of a rat, the heart of a rat” Rocket from the Crypt
“I love my mom, she’s so coooool” Silvertones
Mike-hopefully I can adjust to the 3-D controls, but either way, I’m up for poop time
2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2j 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J 2J

Monday, December 02, 2002

Jim Thome is gone, the Browns suck, and the Cavs are not even worth mentioning. Thank God I am in SoCal and not in the cold of Ohio, or I would be completely depressed. Plenty to update you on from the long Vegas weekend, but I can't think about that right now in light of the traumatic events that are happening in Ctown. Oh, I also heard today that Andrew WK is coming to BG to Howards? Crazy. That guy rocks though, in my opinion.

"That is a straight up GAG job" Jim Rome on the Browns losing this weekend
"I know I'm a sinner but I can't say no" Weezer
"That's where I wanna be, back in OC" Value Pac

Dad-I hope you have also been getting the rest of the Curb your Enthusiasm's for me
Justin-Yes, Texas is doing well, but I'm pretty happy that UNC is back on track
Mike-Can't wait to play Metroid Prime
Jeb-Cmon dude, stay in town for New Years