More Than A Porpoise, More Than A Man, A Manimal

I want a Porpoise who will laugh for no one else

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Work is crazy and so am I. Super busy. Today I felt like going to Ann Arbor, I miss that place. I found out that the guitarist from POD quite, interesting. Here is an article in a local SD paper on the matter, it’s the second little story, you have to scroll down to the “POD=Pissed off dudes” part
It’s kind of stupid that these things happen, but honestly, I’m surprised this hasn’t happened sooner, I don’t know why. On a lighter note, everyone should go to this link:
and watch the trailer for the new Christopher Guest movie. Its comes out on a Wednesday in April in select cities, including SD, so I am very excited. Tomorrow night Tracey and I are going to see Juliana Theory and Something Corporate. I’m not too excited about it, JT new cd sucks. Oh well, a show is a show. Late.

Monday, February 24, 2003

Mondays suck, there is something seriously wrong with the way life is set up. Just as I’m getting settled into a nice weekend, it’s over, rats. Friday night Tracey and I had a good time at this game party we went to. We played ping pong and Taboo and other ‘Fun’ games, it was like being at my 15th birthday party, well, except for the alcohol. In all seriousness, it was fun. I work with some cool people and most of them were at this party. Saturday was even better. I slept in till 2pm, went up to Lajolla to play bball while Tracey was playing in some garden at a co-workers. Then we got to go out to dinner downtown at a cool wood fired pizza place. And then we went and saw Old School. I have to say it was very good. Not Tommy Boy, but the closest thing since in that style of comedy. Will Ferral stole the movie, so good. Then we got home in time to see Christopher Walken on SNL along with the Foo Fighters, a good night for sure. Sunday I got up a little earlier, 12:40, and went surfing at Dog Beach. It was a little better session, but still humbling. I spent the rest of Sunday night cleaning our apartment, doing laundry and getting my new Imac totally set up. I finally got all our files off our old Imac, including the 23 Gigs of MP3’s, transferred over, an IPOD sure makes this process easy and quick. I tried to set up our new printer, but it would not print and I ran out of patience. Luckily at midnight I got to see the Bizaro SeaLab again.

Today at work I decided it should be an old school music day. I have been through all of Joe Christmas, Luxury, Blenderhead and currently am rockin some FIF. I looked them up online and read how they are breaking up after this year. I will try to see them in concert sometime this year. I saw Five Iron at the skate ramp at C-stone music fest way back in the nineties for the first time, they didn’t even have a horn section yet. Those guys are awesome and it has brought back tons of memories today listening to them. They were one of the most down to earth bands I have ever been into. Have a good week. Justin, put me on the roster (I wish). And now Joel stands alone in the Annoying un-updated blog contest, congrats.

“Night Ranger playing on the stereo” JC
“We’ve been given super powers” FIF
“All sequence and glitter” Luxury
“Time brings change!” MxPx