More Than A Porpoise, More Than A Man, A Manimal

I want a Porpoise who will laugh for no one else

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Happy birthday Mike, nice work making it out of your teens. I came into work early today so I could get home in time for NCAA, but I just found out that I have to stay later and be trained on some software. I knew I should have written down what I wanted to say, cause I forgot most of what I wanted to report, sorry. I will say this, "I'm Burning for You" by Blue Oyster Cult is one of the best songs ever. Oh, next weekend we get to go see my sis and my parents, good times. Late

"I need more cow bell" SNL
"I hope this song will guide you" Postal Service

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

It’s a misty, foggy morning this fine Tuesday. Not much to report, except I’ve been going to bed before midnight and I hate it. I’m still not adjusted mentally to working again, at least sleep wise. I have not had a chance to check out your mp3s yet Mike, but I will. Today I’ll be making some Weezer purchases. The ten year anniversary re-issue of their first album is out today (and I never actually bought it, so I figure now is a good time) and a Weezer DVD is out today as well. Speaking of DVDs, I do wish Twin Peaks was on DVD, and I don’t know which tapes are bad at Spectrum Justin. We hung out with our new neighbors last night a bit, a nice married couple, about our age. The dude is an anthropologist, can’t remember what his wife does. But the guy may hook me up with some freelance writing work for some museum exhibits that he has put together of the city of SD, good guy. That’s all I got, I’m going to try to pass time now till NCAA starts up again, and only one more week till baseball, excellent.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Just got done watching UK lose. There have been some good games this weekend, the Maryland game was solid as well, even though they lost. Oklahoma St. is looking super tough. It's been a great weekend for us. Friday we went to the Field to hang out, then went to see Eternal Sunshine. I agree with most of what Dad had to say about it. I wanted to like it more, but it was worth seeing. I was so tired though, from my first week of work, so it was hard for me to keep my eyes open towards the end. For once, Tracey was more awake than I was for something. Saturday morning I got up early, met a few friends and we stood in line to get out Rush tickets, which we were successful at. Several mullets and one drunk guy were in line with us, just a little teaser for what we can expect at the concert. We were supposed to go to Joshua Tree, but our friends canceled on us due to a friend coming into town for Saturday afternoon. To make up for it, our friends had us over at night, and they had bought an outdoor, copper fire thing and we made hot dogs over the fire and listened to music and had a great time all night. Today is pretty lazy, watching ball and getting ready for another week of work. I'm taking off now to go work out.