It's 2:14
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Friday, April 23, 2004
I’m feeling entrepreneurish today. Every now and then I get the bug to create something, design something, I don’t know, whatever. But I never have a concrete idea on anything. I was dreaming again of just working in my office in downtown OB, someday, maybe. Maybe I’ll think up some sweet software thing and have Michele code it. We’ll market the software, get some big company to buy us out and retire in my thirties. Sounds good to me. Tonight Tracey and I are cleaning our condo and getting ready for a small party at our place. We’re having the usual friends over and also our real estate agent and his wife. Our agent it an awesome dude, we really like him and have become good friends. He was an InterVarsity leader for like 20 years or something, then had to get out and started selling houses. He’s rad.
This past Tuesday Tracey and I had a little beach picnic at OB during sunset. We had a little fire and cooked hotdogs and had some tall boys. It was a cash time. Next Saturday Lassie Foundation is playing a free show at some free party for some media company in Hollywood. Free Lassie, free food and free drink, solid. Justy, I watched a few of those GI Joe spoof things, very nice. Only 4 more hours till the weekend. Latre
This past Tuesday Tracey and I had a little beach picnic at OB during sunset. We had a little fire and cooked hotdogs and had some tall boys. It was a cash time. Next Saturday Lassie Foundation is playing a free show at some free party for some media company in Hollywood. Free Lassie, free food and free drink, solid. Justy, I watched a few of those GI Joe spoof things, very nice. Only 4 more hours till the weekend. Latre
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Normal day, nothing to really say. Just wanted to blog so I could put this quote from Lee Bozeman (Luxury) up.
“I spoke with a girl about childbirth and said the appropriate things. I seemed to smile a lot even when it wasn't necessary.”
“I spoke with a girl about childbirth and said the appropriate things. I seemed to smile a lot even when it wasn't necessary.”
Monday, April 19, 2004
Solid weekend. Hit the Padres game Friday, stadium is pretty sweet, but they lost. It rained Saturday and ruined a surf session, but I went and saw Kill Bill 2, which was very entertaining and funny. I watched some NBA playoffs and rented the Kid Stays in the Picture. Sunday brought the sun back so I hit the beach for a bit, washed my car and hit the gym. Then I waited for Tracey to fly back and picked her up around 6:30, we hit OB for some dinner and catch up time. Now it’s Monday and back to the grind.