More Than A Porpoise, More Than A Man, A Manimal

I want a Porpoise who will laugh for no one else

Friday, April 25, 2003

I want to send out some big props to the Minnesota Timberwolves, way to sack up and beat the Lakers last night. Most of you on the east prolly didn’t see it since it was like 3 in the morning for you, but it was almost the worst officiated game I have ever seen, in the favor of the Lakers, yet the Timberwolves still won, amen.

Mary, I’ll burn ya the White Stripes and some other stuff I think you’d be into. Congrats Joel on your car being found, now when you go out to get it, drive down to SD for a weekend. I can’t wait to see The Real Cancun tonight (NOT). I’d like to see A Mighty Wind again. I think the base line from I Want You Back by the Jackson Five is the best one I’ve ever heard. Rolling Stone said that the Sgt. Peppers album by the Beatles was recorded with just a four track, can that be true? I got the Get Up Kids back in rotation today, it feels good. I wish I could come to Friday Night Alive. I need to surf, it’s been too long. I miss everyone, have a good weekend.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

You know I’m in for Labor Day visit Dad. Congrats Mike on your scholarship award. Did anyone go to Koufax last week? The Indians stink. I want the Lakers to hurry up and lose. I’m rooting for Philly this year since the Cavs haven’t fielded a great team since Jordan hit that shot over Ehlo. Justin, do you have a copy of Microsoft office for OS X? I bought the new White Stripes CD, very good. Why don’t I have any more siblings who might also have their own blogs to read? Six familiy blogs a day to read is not enough (I don’t count Casey cause he doesn’t post). Mary you know you guys can come down anytime, but we need to get a date for coming up your way. I don’t know if I mentioned last week that I got a ticket to see the Flaming Lips May 30, very cool. Another thing I miss today is playing ball at the Rec Center at BGSU, besides Old Man’s Gym (R.I.P.), it’s my altime favorite place to play. I always felt the best there. The hoops looked like an ocean, as AI would say. I guess I’ll settle for playing a block from the ocean with crusty old burn outs and losers.

“Remain in Me and I will remain in you”

Monday, April 21, 2003

Justin, it’s ok if you punch me, that’s how I feel about missing the LF show, but I bought the other tickets before I knew. We showed Tracey’s parents Crutches and they liked it. And I was tuned into your emo blog from the other day, Tracey and I are going through some similar groanings.

Our Easter was good. We went to this church in Del Mar that was on this cliff overlooking the mountains, it was cool. Good message. Lot’s of rich white people at the church. We went to the second service, and as we were walking through the parking lot we passed this group of high school kids. I heard one of the kids ask another if he was going to go get “ripped” now, and he said he couldn’t pull it off today, and that’s all I heard. But how amazing is that on Easter Sunday, this kid wants to get drunk or high? It was obviously sad and pathetic. After the service we got some hot dogs and grilled out at our friends apartment, Marni and Eddie and hung out for a few hours. During the service we sang “Crown Him with Many Crowns” and it made me wish I was in church with my family and I felt sad and missed everyone.

On a lighter note I rented the Transporter on Friday night. It started out good, a cool car chase to start the movie and some great martial arts, then it just went way downhill, including a horrible fight scene that involved oil and bike pedals, you have to see it for the explanation, I cannot even begin to explain it in print, it was that stupid. I like the main actor, he was in Snatch, can’t remember his name, but the movie just ended up sucking a lot. Tracey watched the second Harry Potter movie and said it was better than the first one. Oh, on Saturday I played some bball in LaJolla, and it was fun. The courts is like a half block from the ocean, near Seal beach, so when I was done playing I like to walk down and look at the water for a few. So I walked back to my car and I noticed that everyone on the courts was standing around someone, so I walked over. This guy that I had played with, tall guy, really nice and funny (I talked to him between games and he turned out to be a Christian) was on the ground and his right fool was propped up. When I looked closer I noticed that his foot was sideways, and not in a good way. Someone told me that he jumped up and landed on someones foot and rolled his ankle, and from the looks of it, just destroyed it. I have never seen anything that gross up close, it almost made me sick. I felt so bad for that guy, then I thought how that could have been me.

We are going to have a quiet week and I’m looking forward to it.