What I’m happy about TODAY:
That I have a job (today)
That the sun is shining
Good new music in my life (the Killers, the Walkmen, Franz Ferdinand, NFG)
I’m done painting our kitchen
I had Starbucks for breakfast
That the Timberwolves won
That the Padres and Astros are in first place
That I’ll be in Mexico in 8 days
That I’ll be surfing this weekend
That I’m going to play bball at lunchtime tomorrow at work
That Tracey is perfect
That my family is excited about their future
That I have a family
That in exactly a month, I’ll be eating Polleyees breadsticks
That I’m finally going to see the Pixies play live at Lollapalooza (in LA unfortunately)
That I own a home
That Jesus loves me
Remembering ‘Nam Stevens
That I work with a guy named Igor
That Arrested Development is still going to be on TV in the fall
That California hasn’t fallen into the ocean yet
And mostly, just to be alive
And have you ever heard that song by the Grass Roots, “Two divided by love”? It’s been stuck in my head for a week now, it’s an addiction at this point.
“I’m digging for fire.” Pixies
That I have a job (today)
That the sun is shining
Good new music in my life (the Killers, the Walkmen, Franz Ferdinand, NFG)
I’m done painting our kitchen
I had Starbucks for breakfast
That the Timberwolves won
That the Padres and Astros are in first place
That I’ll be in Mexico in 8 days
That I’ll be surfing this weekend
That I’m going to play bball at lunchtime tomorrow at work
That Tracey is perfect
That my family is excited about their future
That I have a family
That in exactly a month, I’ll be eating Polleyees breadsticks
That I’m finally going to see the Pixies play live at Lollapalooza (in LA unfortunately)
That I own a home
That Jesus loves me
Remembering ‘Nam Stevens
That I work with a guy named Igor
That Arrested Development is still going to be on TV in the fall
That California hasn’t fallen into the ocean yet
And mostly, just to be alive
And have you ever heard that song by the Grass Roots, “Two divided by love”? It’s been stuck in my head for a week now, it’s an addiction at this point.
“I’m digging for fire.” Pixies