First off, happy birthday to my sister Mary, a day late. My entire family is in England right now. My Dad is rockin some Lewis stuff and the rest have headed up to Scotland for a few days to check it out. We’ve got Harrcore in town this weekend. He got in Thursday and we went out to the Field for dinner. The Comic Con conference is downtown this weekend and the streets are filled with freaks and geeks dressed up as everything you could imagine. About every comic book character, and it appears many people are dressing up as their own creations of something, strange and funny to make fun of. Last night was another eventful evening. We went to the Del Mar racetrack with some friends and bet on a few horse races. Tracey won a few times (although not much), but everyone else lost. They were cheap bets, so it was all good and a great time. After the races the band Jet played a free show and that’s when craziness ensued. This dude climbed a mid size tree to watch the show, and the security yelled at him to come down, but he wouldn’t. Cops showed up to yell some more, and the dude wouldn’t move. This is all going down as the show is happening. A security guy started to climb up the tree after guy (big mistake), and the dude in the tree climbed higher. The crowd was cheering the “rebellious” tree climber on. The security guy decided it wasn’t a good idea and came down. So security just waiting at the tree for the whole show. At the end of the show, the dude started to come down the tree, everyone is cheering (we are right near this tree), and the guy does a superman like leap, grabs another branch and tries to swing away from the security. He ended up swing into our friend Marni, who fell towards me and I caught her. The security guys grabbed the guy and tackled him to the ground where they Rodney Kinged him, getting in some good shots. It was crazy, and oh, the show was pretty good as well.
It’s really cloudy today, so we’re just going to hit PB this afternoon and go out somewhere tonight. My new job is going well so far. There is some other stuff to say here, but I can’t yet. We had to miss seeing the Thrills last night since we were at the races. There are a couple of Lassie shows coming up in August, hope to make at least one of them. Gotta run and get a shower in.
It’s really cloudy today, so we’re just going to hit PB this afternoon and go out somewhere tonight. My new job is going well so far. There is some other stuff to say here, but I can’t yet. We had to miss seeing the Thrills last night since we were at the races. There are a couple of Lassie shows coming up in August, hope to make at least one of them. Gotta run and get a shower in.