Mark It 8 Dude

Originally uploaded by Porpoise.
I feel like rambling incoherently today. Let's see what comes out? I'm listening to Ashes to Ashes by Bowie on my Sirius radio. I spent too much time this morning looking for Lebowski photos online. I had trouble sleeping last night and only got 4hrs. Oh crap, Bon Jovi just came on, hold a sec, gotta change that. Ok, The Frames are on another channel, thats better. I wanna get the new Kings of Leon, only 8$ at Circuit City. Bron is on tonight. Pinback show tomorrow. Played bball last night and blew a wide open lay up to win a game, and we went on to lose, I'm actually depressed about it. I'm currently reading Tishomingo Blues by Elmore Leonard, which Don Cheadle is directing and staring in. I'd like him to win an oscar, even though he prolly won't and I haven't seen HR yet. I've been pretty successful at working out a lot and eating a lot better lately, I'm no longer as fat as I was. We are going to try and do some camping next weekend if this rain ever stops. It stopped for a few days now, but is supposed to come back early next week. I don't understand having a house right on a hill where it could slide away if it rains too much. I guess it's SoCals version of the midwestern tornado, although there were some funnel clouds here last week. Can't wait for MLB to start. The Indians play 3 games in SD this summer and I will be at all of them. Cool, I think this is enough rambling.